27 research outputs found

    Thread of Thought Unraveling Chaotic Contexts

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have ushered in a transformative era in the field of natural language processing, excelling in tasks related to text comprehension and generation. Nevertheless, they encounter difficulties when confronted with chaotic contexts (e.g., distractors rather than long irrelevant context), leading to the inadvertent omission of certain details within the chaotic context. In response to these challenges, we introduce the "Thread of Thought" (ThoT) strategy, which draws inspiration from human cognitive processes. ThoT systematically segments and analyzes extended contexts while adeptly selecting pertinent information. This strategy serves as a versatile "plug-and-play" module, seamlessly integrating with various LLMs and prompting techniques. In the experiments, we utilize the PopQA and EntityQ datasets, as well as a Multi-Turn Conversation Response dataset (MTCR) we collected, to illustrate that ThoT significantly improves reasoning performance compared to other prompting techniques.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    WizardLM: Empowering Large Language Models to Follow Complex Instructions

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    Training large language models (LLM) with open-domain instruction following data brings colossal success. However, manually creating such instruction data is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. Moreover, humans may struggle to produce high-complexity instructions. In this paper, we show an avenue for creating large amounts of instruction data with varying levels of complexity using LLM instead of humans. Starting with an initial set of instructions, we use our proposed Evol-Instruct to rewrite them step by step into more complex instructions. Then, we mix all generated instruction data to fine-tune LLaMA. We call the resulting model WizardLM. Human evaluations on a complexity-balanced test bed show that instructions from Evol-Instruct are superior to human-created ones. By analyzing the human evaluation results of the high complexity part, we demonstrate that outputs from our WizardLM model are preferred to outputs from OpenAI ChatGPT. Even though WizardLM still lags behind ChatGPT in some aspects, our findings suggest that fine-tuning with AI-evolved instructions is a promising direction for enhancing large language models. Our codes and generated data are public at https://github.com/nlpxucan/WizardLMComment: large language model, instruction fine-tun

    Synergistic Interplay between Search and Large Language Models for Information Retrieval

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    Information retrieval (IR) plays a crucial role in locating relevant resources from vast amounts of data, and its applications have evolved from traditional knowledge bases to modern retrieval models (RMs). The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has further revolutionized the IR field by enabling users to interact with search systems in natural languages. In this paper, we explore the advantages and disadvantages of LLMs and RMs, highlighting their respective strengths in understanding user-issued queries and retrieving up-to-date information. To leverage the benefits of both paradigms while circumventing their limitations, we propose InteR, a novel framework that facilitates information refinement through synergy between RMs and LLMs. InteR allows RMs to expand knowledge in queries using LLM-generated knowledge collections and enables LLMs to enhance prompt formulation using retrieved documents. This iterative refinement process augments the inputs of RMs and LLMs, leading to more accurate retrieval. Experiments on large-scale retrieval benchmarks involving web search and low-resource retrieval tasks demonstrate that InteR achieves overall superior zero-shot retrieval performance compared to state-of-the-art methods, even those using relevance judgment. Source code is available at https://github.com/Cyril-JZ/InteRComment: Pre-print. Work in progres

    LexMAE: Lexicon-Bottlenecked Pretraining for Large-Scale Retrieval

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    In large-scale retrieval, the lexicon-weighting paradigm, learning weighted sparse representations in vocabulary space, has shown promising results with high quality and low latency. Despite it deeply exploiting the lexicon-representing capability of pre-trained language models, a crucial gap remains between language modeling and lexicon-weighting retrieval -- the former preferring certain or low-entropy words whereas the latter favoring pivot or high-entropy words -- becoming the main barrier to lexicon-weighting performance for large-scale retrieval. To bridge this gap, we propose a brand-new pre-training framework, lexicon-bottlenecked masked autoencoder (LexMAE), to learn importance-aware lexicon representations. Essentially, we present a lexicon-bottlenecked module between a normal language modeling encoder and a weakened decoder, where a continuous bag-of-words bottleneck is constructed to learn a lexicon-importance distribution in an unsupervised fashion. The pre-trained LexMAE is readily transferred to the lexicon-weighting retrieval via fine-tuning. On the ad-hoc retrieval benchmark, MS-Marco, it achieves 42.6% MRR@10 with 45.8 QPS for the passage dataset and 44.4% MRR@100 with 134.8 QPS for the document dataset, by a CPU machine. And LexMAE shows state-of-the-art zero-shot transfer capability on BEIR benchmark with 12 datasets.Comment: Appeared at ICLR 202

    On the Robustness of ChatGPT: An Adversarial and Out-of-distribution Perspective

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    ChatGPT is a recent chatbot service released by OpenAI and is receiving increasing attention over the past few months. While evaluations of various aspects of ChatGPT have been done, its robustness, i.e., the performance to unexpected inputs, is still unclear to the public. Robustness is of particular concern in responsible AI, especially for safety-critical applications. In this paper, we conduct a thorough evaluation of the robustness of ChatGPT from the adversarial and out-of-distribution (OOD) perspective. To do so, we employ the AdvGLUE and ANLI benchmarks to assess adversarial robustness and the Flipkart review and DDXPlus medical diagnosis datasets for OOD evaluation. We select several popular foundation models as baselines. Results show that ChatGPT shows consistent advantages on most adversarial and OOD classification and translation tasks. However, the absolute performance is far from perfection, which suggests that adversarial and OOD robustness remains a significant threat to foundation models. Moreover, ChatGPT shows astounding performance in understanding dialogue-related texts and we find that it tends to provide informal suggestions for medical tasks instead of definitive answers. Finally, we present in-depth discussions of possible research directions.Comment: Technical report; code is at: https://github.com/microsoft/robustlear

    Machine Learning Approach for Gesture Recognition Based on Automatic Feature Selection

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